TOP Updates
Request interconnecting
The Requests module is updated on numerous places in the 3.0.172 Version. One of them is interconnecting of requests.
A new bookmark Related Requests was added into the request form. You can attach an already existing request to a request or create a new one directly. Interconnected requests will make the overview of request fulfilled more complete.

Prioritisation of requests according to Urgency and Impact
Another update that has to do with requests is the possibility of prioritisation according to Urgency and Impact in terms of ITIL.
In the baseline scenario of CDESK, the priority of the request can be determined by its reporter – customer. This can lead to priority overestimation. (Report of critical priority in unjustified cases). In order to avoid this situation, it is possible to turn on the function to prioritise according to Urgency and Impact. When switched on, the customer sets on the request certain Urgency. When an assignee takes it over, they evaluate the request and select Impact. On the base of these two parameters, CDESK can determine priority of the request. Urgency, impact and resulting priority in CDESK is in your hands.

Filtering in the list of requests by tasks
A new filter has been added also to the list of requests. Now you can filter items depending on tasks as well. The filters are as follows:
- Contains
- Is not filled
- It is filled

Sending notification for request evaluation
When completion of request is accepted, its fulfillment is rated from 1 to 5. Notification settings for requests now have the option to send to assignee a notification of request evaluation when certain grade is given. When any of the grades is given, you can set to get an e-mail or SMS notification, or notification to desktop or mobile application.

The notification includes information on request, grade, comment and name of the reviewer.

View mail notification for discussion before sending it
Since the latest update, the Fulfillments module allows you to add internal fulfillments that are not linked to invoice fulfillments.

Internal fulfillments without mandatory link to invoice fulfillments
Since the latest update, the Fulfillments module allows you to add internal fulfillments that are not linked to invoice fulfillments

If necessary, it is possible to create an invoice fulfillment from internal fulfillments listed in the list of fulfillments.

The color in the list of configuration objects changes by date field
Additional properties, like date, can be added to the CI Type. For example, date of inspection. An object of this type can be highlighted in different colors in the list, depending on date. This may remind you, for example, that another inspection is approaching.

It is up to you how many days before or after certain date an object will have certain color. You can choose from over 20 colors and different reference periods. CDESK offers these periods:
- Before the deadline
- After the deadline
- Before the deadline, including
- After the deadline, including
- Today
- Not today
- Day ahead
- Day backward

New function Restricted Filtering above the CI list
Filter by MainGroup and CI Type has been added to the global settings of Configuration Database. It appears only if the Automatic Retrieval of All Records is turned off.

When the filtering by main groups and CI types is turned off, users are initially given access to the items in the list of configuration objects which they own or to which they are assigned as key users. Items, that they do not normally have access to, can be accessed in this configuration by typing the exact CI name into the search in the list of CI objects.
Possibility to access any CI when you enter an exact name, can be used by teams of people who normally only take care about assigned objects in the CI, but under certain conditions need to access objects that other teams are responsible for. In our solution, you can create CI name from individual CI properties. If you make it unique enough and accessible to a user in the real world only under certain conditions, then making any CI in the CDESK available will be safe.

VIP Services
In the Users and Groups module, the VIP Services function can be activated for the user. This may affect the priority of addressing a request made by such a VIP customer.

You decide how the priority of a request from a VIP customer can be changed. The following options are available:
- No change of priority (default) – request priority stays unchanged, only the VIP sign is displayed in the request form next to the boxes Request From and For Whom
- Increase priority by 1 level
- Increase priority by 2 levels
- Increase priority by 3 levels
- The highest priority – after saving the request, the highest priority will be set automatically regardless of the priority selected when entering the request

New menu
The main menu in 3.0.172 version has undergone a distinctive design and functional modification: more efficient opening of menu items, your own menu can be added to Favorites, menu search is not erased, stays kept on the screen.
To access the second menu level is now much faster and more convenient. Just move the cursor to a module and open a second-level window without even clicking on it. The same process applies to the third level. Custom icons have been assigned to the level 2 and 3 to make menu navigation easier and more intuitive.
If you click on the module name in the first level, the second level can stay displayed in the menu. To switch off, press the active module again.

A new module Favorites has been added to the new menu. Here you can add any module from the main menu, as well as from the 2nd and 3rd level. This function makes the access faster.

If necessary, narrow the main menu to display only icons of the modules. Module names of the second and third level stay displayed.
The new menu also brings the possibility to set your own color scheme.

List of all updates in CDESK 3.0.172 >