What’s new in CDESK 3.0.182

21. July 2020
Version 3.0.182 introduces avatars and many other new features.

TOP new features – July 21, 2020


Thanks to the new function of avatar selection, your CDESK can be more personalized. You can choose from template avatars in your account settings or use your own photo.

Výber zo systémových avatarov
Výber zo systémových avatarov
Zobrazenie avatara v CDESKu
Zobrazenie avatara v CDESKu

Avatars increase the clarity of discussions in requests. They are displayed for every post, as well as in e-mail notifications. Moreover, operators and customers are color-coded. Operators are circled in green.

Zobrazenie avatarov v diskusii na požiadavke
Zobrazenie avatarov v diskusii na požiadavke
Zobrazenie avatarov v mailovej notifikácii o diskusii na požiadavke
Zobrazenie avatarov v mailovej notifikácii o diskusii na požiadavke
Edit criteria to include requests in the My Requests Waiting for Approval group

With the new update, the criteria for sorting requests in the list when the priority view is enabled, have been changed. The criteria for assigning requests to My requests waiting for approval group have been modified. A request assigned to an assignee can get to this group, if:

  • a response to a newly created request has not yet been made. As a response, we consider:
    •  Change of a request status from Received to any other.
    •  When the operator inserts a discussion post for the customer.
    •  Entering a fulfillment on the request.
  • the customer posts in the discussion on the request or sends a post via e-mail.
  • a user that is not assignee assigns the request to another person, the new assignee´s request status changes to My requests waiting for approval.
  • its status is systemically changed to the In progress status after either successful or unsuccessful customer testing.
  • its status changes systemically to the Ordered or Assigned after acceptation/non-acceptation of the offer linked to the request.
  • its status systemically changes to the status Complaint or In progress when the request completion is not accepted.

Automatic creation of a location when new company is established

In the global settings of the CMDB configuration database, the setting Automatic creation of a company location has been added. Enabling this feature will automatically create a location for the customer when creating a new company (assuming you have the main group Places turned on in the configuration database).

Zapínanie Automatickej tvorby miesta v Globálnych nastaveniach
Zapínanie Automatickej tvorby miesta v Globálnych nastaveniach

The name and address of the automatically created location is filled in based on the company parameters.

Copies of offer notifications sent to the customer contact

With the latest update, a new function has been added also to the Offers module. In the global settings for notifications, it is now possible to set a customer contact to receive copies of offer notifications for the customer to whom they are assigned. Copies will only be sent if the offer notifications in the customer´s account are turned on.

Nastavenie, aby zákaznícky kontakt dostával kópie ponúk
Nastavenie, aby zákaznícky kontakt dostával kópie ponúk

Copies can be sent for the following actions on offers:

  • Create a new offer
  • Change of the responsible assignee
  • Change in the status of the offer – that is notifications shall be issued in the event of any change in the offer status
  • Change the offer status to To verify
  • Change the offer status to To accept
  • Change the offer status to Equipped
  • Change the offer status to Canceled
  • Change offer status Accept offer lines
Kópia mailovej notifikácie pri založení novej ponuky
Kópia mailovej notifikácie pri založení novej ponuky
List of all CDESK updates 3.0.182 >